Refugee Resettlement
A New & Safe Home
In 1980, the U.S. Congress established the United States Refugee Resettlement Program to respond to the needs of refugees around the world. For the most vulnerable refugees, resettlement to a safe country is their best hope for finding safety and building a future for their children. Each year, the U.S. State Department extends welcome to thousands of refugees and works with local refugee resettlement offices like CWS Northern California to help these newcomers rebuild their lives. Refugees have lost their homes, family, friends, and sense of belonging. Together, we can welcome them to safety and hope.
U.S. Refugee Reception and Placement Program
The U.S. State Department contracts with local refugee resettlement agencies to prepare for and welcome newly-arrived refugees to communities across the country. This Reception and Placement program serves refugees during their first 90 days in the U.S. through securing and furnishing housing and providing cultural orientation, community navigation support, and basic needs assistance. As a refugee resettlement agency, CWS follows strict guidelines to provide core services.