Founded in 1946, Church World Service (CWS) is a non-profit and faith-based global humanitarian organization that provides sustainable self-help, development, disaster relief and refugee and immigrant assistance around the world and in the United States (U.S.) CWS has assisted over 865,000 refugees and immigrants to start new lives in the U.S. and to integrate into their communities.
CWS NorCal Anti-Trafficking
Our team provides intensive case management to survivors of human trafficking, as well as training and outreach to increase awareness and identification of survivors. Our goal is to help survivors regain control of their lives while finding their voices through a continuum of trauma-informed, culturally relevant, and gender responsive services to ensure their safety, security, and healing.
Restoring Independence for Survivor Empowerment (R.I.S.E.)
R.I.S.E. provides intensive case management services to adult survivors of labor and sex trafficking. Caseworkers support clients in identifying their own needs and connect clients to the following:
- Housing support
- Food and Clothing
- Immigration and Legal Assistance
- Interpretation Services
- Physical and Mental Health Access
- Education and Job Readiness
- Assistance Enrolling in Benefits Referrals
- ongoing service provision
- Advocacy with Law Enforcement
Training and Outreach CWS NorCal
We bring a new perspective to safeguarding training because our training starts from the survivor perspective. With survivor-led presentations, training, and technical assistance, the Training team aims to educate individuals and agencies on the subject of human trafficking, as well as train organizations to better respond to and serve survivors.
Contact Us for Training and Referrals
CWS is committed to showing welcome and providing steadfast support to refugees, immigrants, asylum-seekers and other uprooted people within the United States, who are seeking safety and the opportunity to rebuild their lives.